
BÜFA is making itself “future-proof”

Company receives certificate for measures in the future-oriented areas of securing skilled workers, leadership and health promotion

Getting future-proof, celebrating the future. For the fourth time, BÜFA has received the “Zukunftsfest” (future-proof) certificate from the Demografieagentur (Hanover) under the patronage of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Labour. The award recognizes that the group of companies has successfully implemented several measures in the areas of leadership, health, diversity, competence, sustainability and digitization over the past three years and has achieved the associated goals.

“We are pleased about the recertification and see it as an endorsement of our philosophy of actively shaping the changing world of work together with our employees. In doing so, we focus on cross-generational and sustainable action in order to remain successful in the long term,” says Felix Thalmann, CEO of the BÜFA Group.

In 2021, BÜFA set goals for a socially responsible work culture – now it was time to review the measures initiated.

“Through innovative ideas and the appreciative inclusion of employees and their skills, BÜFA stands for a modern work culture and has truly earned this distinction,” says Lutz Stratmann, managing director of the Demografieagentur. The Demografieagentur agreed on the measures with the company and confirms their successful implementation with the re-certificate this year.

Over the past three years, BÜFA has been working intensively on the topics of leadership, recruiting skilled workers, sustainability and health. Appreciation and inclusion of employees are very important to BÜFA. This is achieved through a constructive feedback culture between managers and employees. When it comes to recruiting young talent and lifelong learning, BÜFA is breaking new ground and relying on the skills available within the company. A target group-oriented website was launched “by trainees for trainees” and is now being continuously developed with trainees. Older employees are also supported as “senior trainees” through special retraining programs.

When it comes to mental health and stress prevention, affected employees have access to advice and support, especially in the event of acute stress.

The “Zukunftsfest” certificate from Demografieagentur für die Wirtschaft GmbH was relaunched in 2023. It now goes one step further and combines an inventory with a sophisticated action plan – from the inside out. Employees and management work together in every phase. External process support facilitates the process and helps to integrate the planned measures into everyday work.